The process of opening a restaurant from start to finish can be, and should be, an arduous one. thestreetfoody It requires a tremendous amount of research and determination, and it can easily get overwhelming. Often clients ask, “What should I be doing?” It’s the right question, but not easily answered. Why? There is a whole array of things that must be done simultaneously in opening any business, but especially one as complex as a restaurant.
So, where do you start? The best place to start is with a plan, of course. Without one, it’s like shooting from the hip. foodseaters Just trusting your instincts is a recipe for failure. “If you don’t know where you’re going, you are unlikely to get anywhere worthwhile.” So you begin with a business plan, a proven foundation of success and the road map to your dream becoming reality. A quotation worth remembering and putting into practice is, “Failing to plan is planning to fail” from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey).
You must have an idea of the type of restaurant you want. That means coming up with a well-thought-out concept, visualizing it with graphics, and describing in writing. Your entire business plan will evolve from this: how to bring that dream restaurant to life; how to give it its unique personality; and what makes it different from other restaurants.
Study successful restaurants in order to formulate a model that fits what you have in mind. You don’t have to copy them, just determine why you think they are successful. Is it their food? Is it their friendly service or atmosphere? Most likely it will be all three, fitting together to form a total concept: foodygame great food, prompt and attentive service, and a comfortable, if not unique, atmosphere. I like to use the example of a three-legged milking stool to drive this point home. If one leg is weak, then the whole stool is weak and collapses, hopefully not with you on it.
When I suggest learning from observing other successful restaurants, keep this thought in mind. Your restaurant idea must be uniquely yours. foodmonk Combine the best parts of other successful restaurants into your own creative version of what you want. Perhaps it’s the personal service and unique food presentation that you have enjoyed at one restaurant, or the decor theme at another. Blend all the elements that you feel make those restaurants successful into your own total concept of food, atmosphere, and service, and you will have created your own original.
No matter what dining experience you wish to create, no restaurant can survive with bad food safety and hygiene habits. To learn more on where germ hotspots are in your restaurant, please see the resource below.
Provided by restaurant soak tank maker FOG Tank